FAQs – Leaseholder Queries

Service charges, major works and other estate questions are answered here. We have found that most major works questions are already answered in the section 20 notices that are sent out with any proposed works to every leaseholder. Service charge queries can normally be answered within the lease and the twice-yearly service charge demands that are sent out by the managing agent.

Owner/Leaseholder Queries

Q: What if I have a question not answered here?

A: Your first port of call should always be the Managing Agent for service charge and major works queries. For day-to-day estate management, contact should be with the Estate Manager via the office at Ealing Village.

Q: Who do I contact if I want to make any internal alterations to my flat?

A: Details are provided in the Estate Manual, Page 17. In summary, it is essential the the managing agent be contacted first, as the freeholder has to give permission for any works to be commenced. After that, planning permission should be sought for any alterations, through Ealing Council Planning Office. Once that has been gained, work can be commenced in line with the rules for skips, material disposal and working hours, all detailed in the Estate Manual at page 17.

Q: How do leaseholders have a say in the tendering process for firms working at Ealing Village?

A: Most contracts, over a certain threshold amount per leaseholder or over a period of time, are subject to a leaseholder consultation process. This process has several formal stages and takes about three months or longer to complete. A simple guide to the current steps and legislation is here, including exemptions to this process.